Adding a Chinese General Ledger (CH-GL) Voucher Number to Journal Entries

The Add CH-GL Voucher Number form generates a Chinese General Ledger voucher number to the distribution journals. For A/R, A/P, and writable journal IDs, there is one voucher number for each set of transactions. All journals related to a particular invoice transaction have one voucher number. All transactions that have the same Control Number have the same CH-GL number. For other types of distribution journals, there is one voucher number generated and assigned to all the transactions within a distribution journal created for each day.

To generate the CH-GL voucher numbers:

  1. On the Journal Entries form, find the journal IDs for transactions that do not have a CH-GL voucher number and that have the same transaction date.
  2. On the Add CH-GL Voucher Number form, select the journal ID and ending transaction date of the transactions that do not have voucher numbers.
  3. Click Process. A voucher number is generated for these transactions, and the  CH-GL voucher number is then displayed on the Journal Entries form.
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