Creating a Job Order Manually

This process describes how to create a manufacturing job order manually on the Job Orders form. Only required fields and tips regarding selected optional fields are discussed in this procedure. For more information, including descriptions of all fields on the form, see the field help topics for the Job Orders form.

  • The system provides several methods for creating standard job orders, in addition to this method. See the Related Topics links below.
  • If you are creating a co-product job order or a co-job order, see the appropriate topics.

To create a new job order:

  1. Open the Job Orders form and on the toolbar, click the Filter-In-Place button.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. Enter the appropriate data in these fields:
    • Job: A ten-character alphanumeric identifier. By default, the system uses the next unique number. If you allow the system to assign the next job number, the job number does not display in the job number field until you save the new job.
    • (Job Suffix) (optional): Use this field for a four-character suffix to represent a sub-assembly of another job. You can set up a global prefix, Job Prefix, on the Shop Floor Parameters form to display a sequential number.
    • Job Date: Specify the date the job was created. By default, the system uses the current system date. You do not need to change this field unless you want the job's creation date to be different than today's date.
    • Item: Select an item from the list for the finished good item.
    • Rework: If this is a rework order, select the Rework check box. A rework order allows the item you want to repair to be the end item and a component on the job. This recursive BOM structure is allowed only on rework orders.
    • Status: Select the status to use for the job order. The default status is Firm.

      For more information, see the Status field.

      For a job to have a status of Released, it must have a routing.

    • Revision: Enter the revision number of the item. The revision number helps you track which, of a number of revisions authorized through Engineering Change Notices, the transaction affects. If the status of the job order is Firm, the Revision field must be validated.
    • Released: Enter the number of items to be produced for this job.
    • For Whse: Enter the warehouse code for the destination of any finished good inventory this job produces. The default value is the same as that entered in the Default Whse field on the Inventory Parameters form.
    • Start and End: Select the date on which to release this job for work (Start) or the date on which you need the job completed (End). If you enter a Start date, the system plans forward by the item's lead time to arrive at the default End date. You can override the default value. If you enter an End date, the system plans backward by the item's lead time to arrive at a default Start date. The Get ATP/CTP calculation uses the End date as the input date to the planning calculations, so make sure the End date is the desired job completion date before you click the Get ATP or Get CTP button.

      If the Start or End date falls on a weekend and Saturday and Sunday are not defined as manufacturing days, the system automatically adjusts the date to reflect a weekday.

      The Projected date is entered automatically when you click the Get ATP or Get CTP button or when you run the planning or scheduling activities.

  4. On the Scheduling tab, enter the appropriate data for your order.
  5. Select the References tab. This tab displays reference information about the transaction this job is linked to. If you want to cross-reference this job to a customer order line, parent job, project resource, etc., enter information in these fields:
    • Destination: Select the desired destination type. By default, the system uses Inventory. The system uses this field along with the Line field to look up the Qty Ordered, Order Date, and Due Date. The system also uses it to post the Ready to Ship field and to create the Order Entry Cost Variance Report.
    • Parent Job: If the job you are creating is a sub-assembly of another job, enter the job number for which this job's item is to be used as a component.
    • Finish Job: Enter the job order number that defines the finished product into which this sub-job's item is to be assembled. By default, the system uses the current job.
    • (Optional) If you want to split your work-in-process account into various cost components, select the Cost Detail tab. You can identify the components involved in the total cost of a product. The system uses these cost components:
      • Material costs (Material Cost)
      • Labor costs (Labor Costs)
      • Fixed overhead costs (Fix Ovhd)
      • Variable overhead costs (Var Ovhd)
      • Outside costs (Outside)
  6. To save the job, select Actions > Save.

You can now add a routing and bill of material to the job.

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