Controlling Planned Order Creation

This topic applies to APS. Some planning situations may cause APS to create more planned orders than you need to satisfy the current set of demands. CloudSuite Business includes several parameters to help you control the creation of excess planned orders while ensuring that your demands are not delayed unnecessarily. The table in this topic summarizes these parameters.
Use this parameter... For this planning problem Notes
Supply Usage Tolerance PO arrives just after the demand's due date, so the demand is unable to use the supply. The system generates a new planned purchase order. Allows you to use a supply (such as a purchase order line item) to satisfy a demand that is due earlier than the supply is due. You can define the tolerance time window in terms of hours or days, depending on whether you enter a positive or negative number:
  • Positive number: the system searches for supplies starting from the demand's due date/time + the tolerance number of hours.
  • Negative number: the system searches for supplies starting from the demand's due date at 00:00 (midnight) + (24 hours * the positive tolerance value).

See Using Supply Usage Tolerance for more information.

Planned Mfg Supply Switching When a parent item of a bill of material is defined with an Order Maximum value, and its component items are defined with Order Minimum values, the system may create excess planned orders in certain situations. Because this parameter is likely to significantly slow performance of the APS Planning activity, you should select this parameter only for those situations in which the parent item uses an Order Maximum and its component items use Order Minimums. Enabling this parameter allows the system to reallocate the excess planned supplies appropriately and not generate excess planned orders. The global parameter appears on the Planning Parameters form and the item-specific parameter appears on the Items form. For the system to apply the switching, you must enable the parameter on the Planning Parameters form AND on each Items record you want to affect. Clearing the global parameter disables the option for all items.
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