About Replenishment Orders
When you generate orders on the Material Planner
Workbench form, the system uses the replenishment order information to
determine how to replenish each item. Assign replenishment orders ahead of time by
entering a purchase order number, production schedule ID, or transfer order number on
the Item/Warehouse form for the desired warehouse.
When you run the Material Planner Workbench
Generation utility, a release is planned on the order or schedule ID
number you entered on this form. If no replenishment order number exists for the current
warehouse, the system looks at the default warehouse for this item. If no replenishment
order number exists for the default warehouse, the Replen Ord field is left blank for this order.
Specify a number manually or leave the field blank and let the system create one when
the order is firmed.
Note: Manually selecting a replenishment order on the
Material Planner Workbench form affects only the
records currently loaded on the workbench. To change all records in the system,
modify the
Item/Warehouse record for the warehouse that needs
the replenishment.
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