APS: Initial Setup Steps

Your system administrator or installation consultant might have already performed these initial setup steps. In some cases, these steps must be repeated periodically. For details, see the Installation Guide.

  1. Specify the various settings that determine how APS functions on the Planning Parameters form.
  2. Use the SQL Server group of fields to specify and start the planner database on the APS Sites and Alternative Management form.
  3. Set up the production alternative, as well as any planning alternatives you want to utilize.
  4. Specify the local Site on the Main tab of the APS Sites and Alternative Management form.
  5. If you will be running APS Planning in Global mode, specify, on the Remote Sites tab of the APS Sites and Alternative Management form, a Site for each supply site that provides component parts to the local site. For more information, see About Global Planning.
  6. Specify the appropriate Operation Scheduling option on the Shop Floor Control Parameters form. This parameter controls whether job operations are planned and scheduled by the number of pieces remaining to be completed or by the number of hours remaining to be performed.
  7. If you are not using global planning, to replicate transfer orders to your supply sites, set up transfer order replication. If you are using global planning, but some sites are not participating in global planning runs, set up transfer order replication for those sites.
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