Switching from APS Mode to MRP Mode

This topic describes the steps you should perform when you have been running APS Planning and you want to switch to MRP Planning. The APS Planning function uses a Windows service and a special memory-resident service that should be closed before you run MRP Planning.

  • These steps are recommended only if you are making a long-term change to MRP Planning. If you are planning to switch back and forth between the two modes, do not perform these steps.
  • If, after performing the steps in this topic, you want to switch back to APS Planning, you must recreate and restart the planner server service as described in the Installation Guide .
  1. Stop the Remove Planner Server Service.

    The planner server service resides in the server's memory. The APS calculations run against this database; MRP does not use it.

    Perform these steps on the CloudSuite Business Planning server:

    1. Open the Server Service Configuration utility, located in Apps, as an administrator.
    2. In the Databases list, select the planner database to stop (if you have more than one, you will repeat these steps for each database).
    3. Click the Stop button. The Specify Stop Parameters dialog displays.
    4. Click Stop.
    5. Click Delete to remove the server service.
    6. When asked for confirmation that you want to remove the service, click Yes.
  2. Select the Use MRP Planning field on the MRP Mode form to switch to the MRP planning mode.
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