Mapping ISO U/Ms to Existing U/Ms

If you already have custom U/Ms defined and referenced elsewhere in the system, you cannot delete or modify them, for data consistency. However, when integrating CloudSuite Business to other BOD-enabled applications, only the ISO U/M codes may be used. To make this work, you can map any existing custom U/M codes to the predefined ISO U/Ms, using the Unit of Measure Codes form.

You can map multiple U/Ms to the same ISO U/M code. This is acceptable if you already have existing custom U/M codes used in transactions stored in the database. For example, you might map the following:

U/M Description ISO U/M
DOZ Dozen DZ
DZ Dozen DZ

However, if you do this, the system will choose only one of the U/M code descriptions to display in Business Object Documents (BODs). So if you have mapped multiple descriptions to one ISO code in error, the BOD may include an incorrect U/M description. For example:

U/M Description ISO U/M
40 Milliliter per Second 40
41 Milliliter per Minute 40
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