Maintaining the Multi-FSB Chart of Accounts

Use the Multi-FSB Chart of Accounts form to manually set up and maintain mapping of multi-FSB accounts with accounts from the standard GL Chart of Accounts.
Note: You can initially map multi-FSB accounts automatically by copying the standard GL Chart of Accounts using the Copy COA button on the Multi-FSB Charts form. Then use this form to add, remove, or change account mapping.

To map an account:

  1. Open the Multi-FSB Chart of Accounts form.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. In the FSB COA field, select a multi-FSB chart of accounts to work with.
  4. In the FSB Account field, specify an identifier for the multi-FSB account.
  5. In the field to the right of the FSB Account field, specify a description of the account for reference.
  6. In the FSB Account Type field, select the account type.
  7. Optionally, you can specify a FSB Account Class for financial reporting.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • To map to an existing account from the standard GL Chart of Accounts, select the account on the GL Accounts tab.
    • For an unmapped account, specify unit code requirements for the account. In each of the Unit Code 1-4 fields, select one of these options:
      • No Access: The reporting unit field will not be accessible for this account. The system also disables the corresponding Unit Code tab on the form.
      • Accessible: The reporting unit field will be accessible for this account.
      • Required: The reporting unit field is required for this account.
  9. On the associated Unit Code tabs, you can add or remove unit codes.
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