Importing Journal Entries from External Sources

This topic describes how to import CSV or XML files with the Import Journal Entries form. If you need to import more than 100 journal entry records, we recommend that you use the Import Journal Entries Bulk form.

To import journal entries from CSV or XML files with the Import Journal Entries form, or to copy and paste journal entry data for import:

  1. Ensure that the files are formatted properly.
  2. Open the Import Journal Entries form.
  3. Perform one of these tasks:
    • If you are importing data from a CSV or an XML file, select the file type and then click Load Journal Entries.
    • If you are importing data by copying and pasting it from a spreadsheet, open the spreadsheet to work with and paste the needed data into the grid.
  4. Select the journal in which to enter the grid data.
  5. Perform one of these tasks:
    • To edit the date, account, or reference information for individual grid entries, click in the grid cells and make changes as necessary.
    • To change the date and/or reference information and apply it to all grid entries, specify the date and/or reference at the bottom of the form.
  6. Click Process. The data is validated and, if accurate, saved to the selected journal. If errors are found, the data remains in the grid so you can make necessary changes.
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