Posting Depreciation to the General Ledger

  1. When you open the Fixed Asset Depreciation Posting form, the grid displays the assets that contain errors that will prevent them from posting. You should correct these errors before proceeding. Assets appear in the error grid when either of these conditions is true:
    • There is no depreciation record for the asset (you must create the depreciation record on the Fixed Asset Depreciation form).
    • The # Units to Depr value is greater than or equal to the Units Depreciated value AND the Curr Period Depr value is 0 (these values are all defined on the Fixed Asset Depreciation form).
  2. Click the Process button. The message "F/A Depreciation(s) will be printed before posting" displays.
  3. Click OK. The Fixed Asset Current Depreciation Report (Modal) form displays.
  4. Click the Print button. The report prints to the printer you specified on the Report Options form. Use this report to verify that the depreciation information is correct prior to posting.
  5. After you verify the information is correct, click the X button in the top-right corner of the report window to close the report form. The message "Do you want to return an OK response to form Fixed Asset Depreciation Posting?" displays.
  6. Click Yes. The message "[Fixed Asset Depreciation Posting] will be performed" displays.
  7. Click OK. The message "x F/A Depreciation(s) were posted" displays." This message also alerts you about the number of assets that did not post because of errors.
Note:  Depreciation Schedules are user-defined in the Fixed Asset Parameters form. You can have up to four different ways of depreciating an asset, one for each of the defined schedules.
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