Using the A/R Quick Payment Application

Use the A/R Quick Payment Application form to:

  • Enter full or partial payments.
  • Distribute full or partial invoices.
  • Create open payments.
  • Pay finance charges.
  • Distribute finance charges.
  • Reapply open payments.
  • Reapply open credits.

To use the A/R Quick Payment Application utility:

  1. To access the A/R Quick Payment Application utility from the A/R Payments or A/R Payment Distributions form, click Quick.
  2. If you have not done so on a previous form, enter all the A/R payment information (customer, type, number, receipt date, due date, and so on).
  3. Enter the payment amount.
  4. Specify a G/L Reference and a Description, or accept the default values that display.
  5. Select Actions > Save.

    When you save a payment, all the customer's open invoices, credit memos, finance charges, and open payments display in the grid at the bottom of the form.

  6. Select the invoice, payment, credit, or finance charge to which you want to distribute the payment.
    • To select all displayed transactions, click Select All.
    • To remove the selection flag from all displayed transactions, click Deselect All.
  7. Click Apply.


  • Debit memos are not included on this form because you cannot enter the invoice number (required with debit memos). You must apply debit memos through the A/R Posted Transactions form.
  • You can apply open credits and payments from a customer only to the customer and any of its subordinate customers. You cannot apply a subordinate customer's open credits or payments to another customer that is a subordinate of the same corporate customer.
  • Non-A/R payment distributions must be entered in the A/R Payment Distributions form.
  • You can enter post-dated checks on the A/R Quick Payment Application form. The payment type must be check.
  • You can enter full or partial payment amounts. When you close the form or the work with a different payment, the system creates distributions for the selected invoices in the A/R Payment Distributions form.
  • If you delete a payment through the A/R Quick Payment Application form, the payment is also deleted from the A/R Payments and A/R Payment Distributions forms.
  • In a multi-site environment, if you are making a quick payment where the Type is Draft, the system only displays invoices from the current site because you cannot select invoices from another site. There is a one-to-one relationship (site specific) with an invoice and a draft.

    The system does not support applying payments to invoices of sites where they do not have the same domestic currency as the site entering the payment to apply.

  • The system does not accept changes until you leave the form or work with a different payment.
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