CPA EFT Output Format

The Header and Trailer records are the outer "envelope" of the transaction. The Detail records act as an inner envelope combining similar entries.

Each record ends with a carriage control (line break) character.

Header Record

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Originator's ID 11-20 10 Alphanumeric bank_hdr_bank_file_fmt_mst.ach_origin_id

This is the number assigned by the bank for EFT accounts.

File Creation No. 21-24 4 Numeric bank_file_fmt_mst.last_file

The file creation number must increment by one from one file to the next.

Creation Date 25-30 6 Numeric GETCurrentDate(CYYDDD)

C=0 YY=10 for 2010 DDD=Year Day

Destination Data Centre 31-35 5 Numeric bank_hdr_bank_file_fmt_mst.ach_dest_id

This is the bank's institution ID.

Reserved Customer-Direct Clearer Communication area 36-55 20 Alphanumeric Blank
Currency Code Identifier 56-58 3 Alphanumeric vendor_mst.curr_code
Filler 59-1464 1406 Alphanumeric Blank

Detail Record

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Logical Record Type ID 1 1 Alpha C = Credit Payment

D = Debit Payment

Logical Record Count 2 9 Numeric Count()

Increment by 1 from field 02 in the Header record

Origination Control Data 11 10 Alphanumeric bank_hdr_bank_file_fmt_mst.ach_origin_id

This is the number assigned by the bank for EFT accounts.

File Create Number 21 4 Numeric bank_file_fmt_mst.last_file

Must be the same as the field in the Header record

CPA Code 25 3 Numeric 450

CPA transaction code

Amount 28 10 Numeric appmt_mst.for_check_amt

Amount of EFT transaction, format $$$$$$$$cc No commas or decimal points. Right justified

Due Date Centry 38 1 >Numeric 0 (no change in turn of century)
Due Date Year 39 >2 >Numeric GetYear()
Due Date Day 41 3 Numeric GetDay()
Financial Institution Number 44 4 Numeric vendor_mst.EFT_bank_num

Institution ID

Financial Institution Branch Number 48 5 Numeric vendor_mst.transit

Branch or transit number.

Account Number 53 12 Alphanumeric vendor_mst.account

Field must be left justified, do not zero fill. Enter significant digits only

Item Trace Number 65 22 Numeric 0000000000000000000000
Stored Trans Type 87 3 Numeric 000
Short Name 90 15 Alphanumeric bank_hdr_bank_file_fmt_mst.user_name

Your company's name for participant's statements.  This appears on most bank statements. Do not enter zeros in the field.

Transaction Payee/ Payor name 105 30 Alphanumeric Name OR VadRName =

Vendor or Remit To Vendor Name

  Name 135 30 Alphanumeric
Eft Originator ID 165 10 Alphanumeric Blank
Transaction Origination Xref 175 19 Alphanumeric appmt_mst.vend_num + "-" + appmt_mst.check_num

Optional reference field

Transaction Return Financial Institution 194 9 Numeric The element is formatted as

(a) (b) (c)

9 999 99999

where (a) = constant zero

(b) = bank number (bank_addr_mst.bank_number)

(c) = branch or transit number (bank_addr_mst.branch_code)

If Use Default Account is not selected on the Bank Code Bank File Format form, this value contains bank_addr_mst.bank_number + bank_addr_mst.branch_code. If Use Default Account is selected, this value contains all zeros.

Transaction return Account 203 22 Alphanumeric bank_hdr_mst.bank_acct_no

If Use Default Account is not selected on the Accounts Payable Parameters form, this field is required; if not then leave blank

Originator's Sundry Info 215 15 Alphanumeric Blank
Stored Trace Number 230 22 Alphanumeric Blank
Settlement Code 252 2 Alphanumeric Blank
Invalid Data Element 254 11 Numeric 00000000000

Trailer Record

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Record Type 1 1 Alpha Z
Record Sequence/Count 2 9 Numeric Count()

Increment by 1 from previous record sequence number

EFT Originator 11 10 Numeric bank_hdr_bank_file_fmt_mst.ach_origin_id

Must be the same as in the Header record

File Create Number 21 4 Numeric bank_file_fmt_mst.last_file

Must be the same as in the Header record.

Value of debits 25 14 Numeric 00000000000000

Amount of debit payment transactions (type D). Right-justify with leading zeros. Format $$$$$$$$$$$$cc

Number of debits 39 8 Numeric 00000000

Total number of debit payment transactions (Type D). Right-justify with leading zeros.

Value of credits 47 14 Numeric Sum()

Amount of credit payment transactions (Type C). Righ- justify with leading zeros. Format $$$$$$$$$$$$cc

Number of credits 61 8 Numeric Sum()

Total number of debit payment transactions (Type C). Right-justify with leading zeros.

Total Value of Error Corrections 'E' 69 14 Numeric 0
Total Number of Error Corrections "E" 83 8 Numeric 0
Total Value of Error Corrections "F" 91 14 Numeric 0
Total Number of Error Corrections "F" 105 8 Numeric 0
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