Using the Increment Date Field

Select this field to have the system automatically increment date ranges and re-run reports and utilities.

  1. Enter a date range on the report/utility form.
  2. Select the Increment Date field.
  3. Select Actions > Background.
  4. Determine the frequency of this report/utility.
  5. Click OK to submit the report.

When the specified time period has elapsed, the date range increments and the report/utility is run again.


You want to run the Direct Deposit Report form every month, showing the direct deposit transactions for the previous month, starting with January.

  • Open the form and select the transaction date range of 01/01/15 - 02/01/15.
  • Select Increment Date.
  • Select Actions > Background to open the Background Queue form.
  • Select a monthly frequency, and set it to run on the first day of every month, at midnight.
  • Click OK to submit the report.

When the next month begins, the transaction date range will increment to 02/01/08 - 03/01/08 and the report will automatically run.