Using Points to Determine Supplier Vendor Performance

The Supplier Vendor Performance Report calculates and reports on the performance vendors in two key areas: product quality and on time delivery.

If Show Detail is cleared, the report prints one line per vendor, with average points. If it is selected, the report also prints a one-line summary of the points for each receiver.

Delivery points are based on purchase order due date vs QC date received. These days are scored against the delivery points as entered in the Vendor Rating form:

  • Points for On Time Delivery: Specify the highest number of points to be awarded a vendor based on delivery.
  • Days Early (-) / Late (+): Specify the number of days early as a negative. Enter on time as 0. Specify the number of days late as positive. This information must be entered in order from maximum days early, to on-time, to maximum days late.
  • Points Deducted: Specifythe number of points to be deducted from the Points for On Time Delivery.

Quality points are based on the quantity dispositioned and the points for the associated Disposition Codes.

Only vendors added to the QC Vendors form are reported.

The points reported are based on the values at the time the report is being run, not at the time the transaction is created.

This report is applicable for PO receipts only; it is not based on inventory or inventory usage.

Each receipt is weighted equally when the vendor average score is calculated, regardless of the quantity on the receiver.

Only receivers that are marked as complete are reported; open receivers are not included.

Delivery Points Example

Delivery points for On Time Delivery = 25

Days Early/Late Points
-10 25
-03 20
-01 15
-00 0
+01 10
+03 15
+07 20
+10 25

A PO receipt 5 days early receives a score of 25 - 20 = 5

A PO receipt 5 days late receives a score of 25 - 15 = 10