Web Provisioning for Infor Ming.le On-premises

Use these steps if you are implementing Infor CRM in a local Infor Ming.le environment (on-premises).

To use WebProvisionUI.exe

  1. Sign in to the Infor CRM Web Host server.
  2. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Saleslogix. and double-click WebProvisionUI.exe.
  3. In the Web Provision Type list, select OnPrem.
  4. In the Ming.le Portal URL box type the URL for your Infor Ming.le site including the Tenant ID.
    For example, https://minglesite/tenantIID
  5. In the CRM URL box type the URL of the SlxClient portal.
    For example, https://servername/SlxClient/default.aspx
  6. In the IDP Oauth Token URL box type the idp.oauth.token.url that maps to sage.saleslogix.web.sso.requestSecurityTokenAppliesTo. To find the IDP Oauth Token URL, do the following:
    1. Open Infor Xi Platform Manager.
    2. Click System Configurations.
    3. Find and note the PingFederateHostURL value.
    4. Find and note the TokenEndpoint (e.g. connect/token).
    5. Add both values to the URL to create the /IdpOauthTokenUrl.
      Example: https://icrmmingle.infor.com:555/InforIntSTS/connect/token
  7. In the InforCRM Deployment Path for SlxClient box click the ellipsis and browse to the service provider portal path. This can be a portal model path or a deployed portal path.
    For example, Model path - VFS:\Model\Portal\SlxClient or a file system model path- C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SlxClient
  8. In the InforCRM Deployment Path for SData box click the ellipsis and browse to the service provider portal path. This can be a portal model path or a deployed portal path.
    For example, Model path - VFS:\Model\Portal\SData or a file system model path- C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SData
  9. In the Default Tenant ID box type the Default Tenant ID created when adding Infor CRM to Infor Ming.le.
    For more information see the Integrating Infor CRM with Infor Ming.le On-premises edition document, "Adding Infor CRM to Infor Ming.le" section.
  10. In the IDP WS Trust Sts URL box type the idp.wstrust.sts.url that maps to sage.saleslogix.web.sso.securityTokenSer viceEndpoint. To find the IDP WS Trust Sts URL do the following:
    1. Open Infor Xi Platform Manager.
    2. Click System Configurations.
    3. Find and note the PingFederateHostURL value.
    4. Find and note the STSEndpoint (e.g. /wst.svc).
    5. Add both values to the URL to create the IDP WS Trust Sts URL.
      Example: https://ICRMMINGLE.infor.com:555/InforIntSTS/wst.svc
  11. In the Ming.le Logical ID box type the Logical ID created when adding Infor CRM to Infor Ming.le.
    For more information see the Integrating Infor CRM with Infor Ming.leOn-premises edition document, "Adding Infor CRM to Infor Ming.le" section.
  12. In the XI Platform CRM App Name box type the name of the Infor CRM Application in Xi Platform Manager.
    For more information see the Integrating Infor CRM with Infor Ming.le On-premises edition document, "Adding the application in Infor Xi Platform Manager" section.
  13. In the ION API Username box type the User ID you defined when adding the ION API.
    For more information, see the Integrating Infor CRM with Infor Ming.le On-premises edition document, "Configuring the CRM API for Dashboard widgets" section.
  14. In the ION API Password box type the Password you defined when adding the ION API.
    For more information, see the Integrating Infor CRM with Infor Ming.le On-premises edition document, "Configuring the CRM API for Dashboard widgets" section.
  15. In the Home Page URL box, type or paste HomePage URL. To find the Home Page URL do the following:
    1. Sign on to the server where Infor Xi Platform Manager is installed.
    2. Click System Configurations.
    3. Select the HomepageHostName row, right-click the Value, click Copy and paste the value in the Home Page URL box.
  16. In the Ming.le API Endpoint box type or paste the Infor Ming.le API endpoint. To find the Ming.le API endpoint, do the following:
    1. Sign on to Infor Ming.le.
    2. Click IONApi.
    3. Click Available APIs.
    4. Double-click Infor Ming.le.
    5. Copy the endpoint, paste it in the Mingle API Endpoint box, and then append /socialservices.svc.
  17. In the Configuration Service URL box type or paste the Configuration Service Internal Url. To find the Configuration Service do the following:
    1. Sign on to the server where Infor Xi Platform Manager is installed.
    2. Click Services.
    3. Select the Configuration Service(Windows-SSL) row, right-click the Internal Url, click Copy, and then paste it in the Configuration Service URL box.
  18. In the Attribute Service URL box type or paste the Attribute Service Internal Url. To find the Attribute Service do the following:
    1. Sign on to the server where Infor Xi Platform Manager is installed.
    2. Click Services.
    3. Select the Attribute Service V2 (Windows-SSL) row, right-click the Internal Url, click Copy and paste it in the Attribute Service URL box.
  19. Add Connection Details.
    1. In the Data Source Server box type the server name where the Saleslogix Server Service is running.
      If the Saleslogix Server Service is running on the same machine localhost is valid.
    2. In the Port box type the port where the SalesLogix Server is running. The default port is 1706.
      This information is available in the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SalesLogix\SLXOLEDB
    3. In the Initial Catalog box type the alias defined in the Connection Manager (OleDBConfigMgr.exe).
  20. Click Execute.
    The Execute Result dialog box displays with the status. If the provision does not complete successfully, review the contents of the dialog box and fix the missing or incorrect information.
  21. If the provision does not complete successfully, you must do the following:
    1. Disable Ming.le.
    2. Review the contents of the dialog box and fix the missing or incorrect information.
    3. Click Execute.
  22. Close the Web Provisioning tool.

  • Running the tool enables single sign on to Infor CRM through Infor Ming.le. After running the tool, the Infor CRM Administrator will no longer be able to sign into the Infor CRM Web Client except by using his or her Ming.le credentials.
  • Infor CRM users cannot use single sign on until the Administrator adds them to Infor Ming.le.
  • After each user receives an email welcoming him or her to Infor Ming.le, they will no longer be able to access the Infor CRM Web Client except through Ming.le using Ming.le credentials.
  • Single sign-on is not supported for Infor Xbar prior to version 1.3.7 and versions of Infor CRM Mobile Client version 3.4.2 and earlier. In those versions, users must sign into each product separately. To avoid problems remembering passwords, users are encouraged to manually change their Xbar and Mobile Client passwords to match their Ming.le password. The Ming.le password will not be automatically shared between the products.


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Web Provisioning for Infor Ming.le Cloud

Disabling Infor Ming.le for Infor CRM