Adding a Source Based on an Oracle CRMOD Object

Prior to adding a source, see the Notes below for any details that may affect your setup.

To add a source based on an Oracle CRMOD object:

1. Configure an extraction on the Application Connectors page as described in Extracting Data from Oracle CRMOD.
2. On the Application Connectors page, click Add Object.
3. Select the Object Type.
d. For a Saved List object, add the List Name. Saved lists act as selection filters, as they are already created on the Oracle CRMOD system. Therefore additional selection criteria are not supported.
e. To find a saved list name on the Oracle CRMOD system, click the Object Tab to access the Object Homepage that shows the objects. Click Manage List to see the saved lists for an object.
6. Enter the Object Name exactly as it appears in the list of data sources (catalog). The name is case-sensitive.
7. Enter the Object Label to use for the source in Infor. Do not use the same name as an existing saved object or an object in the catalog.
Note: If you edit an object and change the object label, a new object will be created with this name.
8. Click in the Columns field to activate the Get Columns button then click the Get Columns button. Infor populates the Columns and Mapping fields. The Columns field contains each of the columns in the source separated by commas, and uses the "technical name" from Oracle CRMOD. The Mapping field contains the name of each column in the source, an equal sign, then the name it will be mapped to in Infor. By default the Mapping field is the "friendly name" from Oracle CRMOD.
9. Edit the Columns field as applicable. You can specify only the columns you need for reporting by deleting ones you don't need.

Important: Infor extracts a maximum of 100 fields per object.
10.  Edit the Mapping field list so that it contains only the mappings for the columns in the Columns field. To change the name of a column in Infor, change the name after the equal sign.  
Important: Do not modify the =true or =false texts.
Tip: Once you change a column name in the Mapping field, and Infor extracts the column and lists it in the Columns tab of the Manage Sources page, you cannot change it again. If you change the column name in the Mapping field again, then extract again, the column name in Infor will not be changed. You can change the Mapping field column name in the Columns tab of Manage Sources, if necessary.
11. If needed, enter Selection Criteria that will filter the result set.
12. Click Validate to validate the syntax. 
13. Click the Save button. Infor adds it to the list of objects to be extracted in the Data Sources table, ready for extraction. 

Tip: To edit the object, click on the hyperlinked name.

Next Steps

See Extracting Data from Oracle CRMOD.

Notes About Selection Criteria for Oracle CRMOD Objects

For selection criteria based on datetime data, use the following syntax:

DateColumnName >= yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ

Alternatively you can use a Birst variable:

DateColumnName >= V{birst_variable}

If you use a Infor variable, the variable must use the Oracle CRMOD date format, as shown in the syntax example. The variable must already exist before it can be used here. See Creating Variables.

If a value that you want to use in Selection Criteria contains a single quote, you must add another quote so that two single quote characters are used. For example, if an AccountName object is "Restaurant 't Hoekse Hout", and you want to find all records for that account name, use following selection criteria:

AccountName='Restaurant ''t Hoekse Hout'

If a column Display name contains an equal sign (=), an error will occur. You must edit out the equal sign in the Display name.

If the data contains the pipe character (|) an error will occur. You must enclose the pipe character in double quotes ("|").

Selection Criteria Expressions Syntax for Objects Extracted Using the Oracle CRM REST API

Expressions Syntax


 {column name} {operator} {value}  Operator can be binary or unary. The {value} need to be specified for binary operators only.
 (expression) conjunction (expression)  A conjugated expression should be enclosed in parentheses to avoid ambiguity. However, non-conjugated expressions must not be enclosed in parentheses.
 {exists operator} (expression)  See NOT EXISTS and EXISTS operators below

Syntax Supported


Unary Operators Supported

Binary Operators Supported

Conjunctions Supported

Exists Operator Supported

(see notes)


 >, >=, <, <>, =, ~=, LIKE, ~LIKE


(see notes)



You can use the operators EXISTS and NOT EXISTS for any multivalued field of objects supported for Web Services 2.0.

EXISTS and NOT EXISTS only work for multivalued fields and not on other fields, including multi-select picklists. Very few multivalued fields are available, but one example is the address fields on the Account and Contact objects. Multivalued fields contain data from multiple records, in the case of the address fields, multiple countries, counties, etc.

EXISTS returns true if the field expression matches for at least one of the values of the multivalued field. For example, to query for all contacts where any one of the values of the AlternateAddressExternalSystemId field for all associated addresses of Contact is XYZ:

EXISTS (AlternateAddressExternalSystemId = 'XYZ')

As another EXISTS example, to query for all accounts where any one of the values of the PrimaryBillToCounty field is Suffolk and any one of the values of the Primary Bill To Street Address field contains Ipswich:

EXISTS (PrimaryBillToCounty = 'Suffolk' AND PrimaryBillToStreetAddress LIKE '%Ipswich%')

NOT EXISTS returns true if the field expression matches for none of the values of the multivalued field. For example, to query for all contacts where none of the values of the AlternateAddressExternalSystemId field for all associated addresses of Contact is XYZ:

NOT EXISTS (AlternateAddressExternalSystemId = 'XYZ')

Literal Data

Always enclose literal data in single quotes.

To use a single quote within a literal, place another single quote immediately beside that quote. In this way, the query recognizes the quote as a literal and not as an operator. For example, specify the string ab'c as ab''c.

To use the special characters such as asterisk (*), question mark (?), and backslash (\) in queries, preceded them with the backslash character (\). For example, to use the ? character in a query, precede it with the \ character as follows: \?.

Next Steps:

Setting Up Incremental Extractions from Oracle CRMOD

Process the data in the Process Data, Process New Data page. See Processing Data.

Set up scheduling in the Process Data, Schedule Data Processing page. See Scheduling Extraction and Data Processing for Cloud Applications.