Discovery Spaces

A Discovery space is a type of space that offers complete dashboard, discovery and visualization capabilities without the need for modeling hierarchies or specifying grains. It requires no data warehouse creation. A Discovery space can be converted to an Advanced space.

Discovery space users manage extracted data sources using the Data Flow page in the Admin module. Manage Sources and the Hierarchy pages are not available for Discovery spaces.

An Advanced space can include a Discovery source. See Adding a Discovery Source to an Advanced Space.

High Level Steps for Creating a Discovery Space

  1. Create a new space of the type Discovery.

  2. Upload data using Upload Files, Birst Connect, or an Application Connector.

  3. On the Data Flow page, make joins. You do not need to specify hierarchies, levels, and keys because Birst does that for you.

  4. Process data.

  5. Create reports in Designer or Visualizer.

See Also
Creating a New Space
Adding a Discovery Source to an Advanced Space