Processing Uploaded Data

Processing data makes your uploaded data available for analysis and reporting. Processing moves your currently loaded data into a database.

Processing data is not restricted to a one-time event. You have the option to upload and process new snapshots of your data in the future. Birst automatically maintains the history of data loads and allow you to analyze your data by the time dimension.

To process uploaded data

1. Go to Admin - Process Data - Process New Data.
2. To initiate data processing, click Process Now. The Process Data dialog box opens.
3. Select a date that represents the date the data was captured for the snapshot date. By default the date is set to today's date.
4. Select the processing groups you want to process.

Processing groups are executed in alphabetical order. There are three options for executing processing groups:

Execute all processing groups at once. The default processing group executes first, then the other processing groups in alphabetical order.

Execute a single specific processing group. This does not include the default processing group.

Execute more than one specific processing group in alphabetical order. This does not include the default processing group.

For example, using the default processing group, A1, and A2, you select All. Birst first runs all sources assigned to the default processing group, followed by the sources assigned to processing group A1, and finally the sources assigned to the A2 processing group.

Tip: For information about assigning sources to processing groups, see Assigning Sources to Processing Groups.

5. Select Re-process Modified Data Sources Only if you want to process only the data sources that have been modified since the last time data was loaded.
6. For Automatic spaces only: Select whether you want Birst to automatically process data. See About Data Processing.

Important: Do not check this box if dashboards have already been built in this space. Do not check this box for Advanced or Discovery spaces.
7. Click Continue to start the processing of your uploaded data and the population of fact and dimension tables.

Processing your data may take a few minutes or longer depending on the data volume and your internet connection speed. After your data is successfully processed, use Designer or Visualizer to create reports.


To diagnose processing issues, click the Details link for a finished processing event.

To see the data as it resides in staging, fact and dimension tables, open the View Processed Data page.

See Also
Deleting Processed Data
About Data Processing
Setting Data Source Processing Properties
Assigning Sources to Processing Groups
Setting Transaction and Snapshot Policies for a Data Source