Deleting Processed Data

To delete processed data from a space, use the Delete Data page on the Process Data tab in the Admin module.

To delete processed data

1. In the Admin module, click the Process Data tab. Click the Delete Data page.
2. Do one of the following:

To delete the last set of processed data, click Delete Last.
The Delete Last button deletes data from the fact table for the last load only. If you press it again, it will continue to delete data tied to the latest load. For example, if you have 5 loads, pressing it once deletes load 5, pressing it again deletes load 4, and so on.

To delete all processed data in the space (the entire data warehouse), click Delete All.

3. Click Yes in the confirmation message. The selected data will be deleted.

Tip: To confirm the data has been deleted, open the View Processed Data page.

See Also
Processing Data
About Data Processing
Setting Data Source Processing Properties