Creating a Data Visibility Control Table

To support data security filters, both the variable and set-based query methods make use of a data visibility control table and the USER built-in session variable. See Creating Data Security Filters.

Before you create a data visibility control table, analyze which users need access to which columns of the data.

The table can include multiple mappings to multiple attributes or measures.

When you update a visibility control table, you have to re-upload, check its settings, and reprocess it.

To create and use a visibility control table

You need to have Space Administrator permission to upload files, set up, and process the data.

1. Create a mapping table in a spreadsheet or text file.

The visibility control table contains a mapping between the user name (email address) and the column used for filtering the data. For example, the following control table maps a supervisor to a store. The supervisors will see only the information for their stores. In this example, Rob can see stores 1, 2, and 3, but Joe cannot. Only Joe can see store 4.







2. Add additional rows for more users, and columns for additional attributes or measures, if needed.
3. Upload the file to the space, like any other data source. See Uploading Flat Files.
4. In the Define Sources -> Hierarchies tab, set up a new hierarchy with a single level and set its and its level key or keys. See Creating Hierarchies.
5. In the Define Sources -> Manage Sources -> Grain tab, assign hierarchies to the data source by setting the grain of the mapping file. See Defining the Grain of a Data Source.
6. In the Define Sources -> Manage Sources -> Properties tab, set up a processing group for the control table. See Assigning Sources to Processing Groups.
7. In the Process Data tab, process the data in order for the security table to be available for security filtering. See Processing Data.
8. Create the security filter. See Creating Data Security Filters.

See Also
Application Security Overview