Web extension manifest

The manifest.xml contains this information:

  • Name of the web extension (caption)
  • Description
  • Version
  • The name of the author or issuing company
  • Name of the JavaScript source file
  • Description of the web extension parameters. Each parameter description contains:
    • Parameter unique name
    • Parameter caption
    • Parameter description

The name and description of the web extension, and the parameter captions and descriptions, can be localized into different languages.

Localizations are for the UI language, not for the report content language. The language strings appear in the Application Studio full client Design mode, not in the report in View mode.

Note: All parameters of the web extension are required. A good practice for web extension development is to accept empty strings as values and to assume a reasonable default value.


<WebExtensionManifest Version="1">
<en>Rich Text Editor</Name></en>
  <Author>Hans Müller</Author>
    <Parameter UniqueName="P1">
    <Parameter UniqueName="P2">
	<en>Second Parameter.</en>
	<de>Der zweite Parameter.</de>