Editing dashboard content


To edit dashboard content, the dashboard must be in edit mode:

  • New dashboards are automatically in edit mode
  • If you add content to an existing dashboard, and you have edit permission, the dashboard is automatically in edit mode.

To edit content on an existing dashboard, click Edit Dashboard in the toolbar.

Place the cursor over a widget to display the widget toolbar, with these options:

  • Interact
  • Properties
  • Copy Widget
  • Remove

A widget displays a preview when dragged. The preview indicates where the widget will be placed when dropped and its dimensions.

You can drop a widget:

  • Where required in a blank dashboard.
  • When its preview is displayed in the position you require. The dropped widget is resized to fit the space indicated by the preview.
  • When the hotspot is displayed. If the hotspot is on an existing widget, the dropped widget cuts the existing widget in half, vertically or horizontally, according to whether the hotspot is on a vertical or horizontal border. If the hotspot is on an edge of the dashboard, the dropped widget snaps to the edge and occupies the available length.
  • When the mouse pointer on a dragged widget is directly over an existing widget. The widgets swap places. Or, if the dragged widget is dragged from a content connection, it replaces the existing widget.
Note: Swapping might not be possible if there is an issue with the specified minimum size.

To insert a widget between two widgets that are touching, drag the widget over the border where the widgets touch and press Shift. Drop the widget before releasing the Shift key. The added widget retains its dimensions or shrinks if there is not enough room for the other widgets to be pushed away. The existing widgets shrink to accommodate the new widget.

To push one widget with another, use one of these the options while dragging the widget: press the Shift key, or press both mouse buttons. If a widget is pushed against an edge of the dashboard or against widgets that cannot be further compressed, it is compressed. It does not return to its original size if the pushing widget is withdrawn.


You can use these keyboard shortcuts when you drag or resize widgets:

  • Esc: To undo resizing or repositioning of a widget, press the Esc key before you release the mouse button.
  • O: To keep a widget's original size, press and hold the O key while you drag it into position on a dashboard. The widget will not automatically resize to fit an available space.
  • R: To keep a widget's height to width ratio, press and hold the R key while you drag its borders to resize it.