Actions on row headers

When you click on a row header, these actions are available:

  • Select: Highlights the light blue row and can be used in widget communication
  • Zoom In: Displays all children of the selected element, that is the elements and values at the next level down, without displaying the parents.

    For example, if you select the Period hierarchy and zoom in the All Years element, the list of years is displayed on the axis. If you zoom in the 2016 element, the list of four quarters is displayed.

  • Zoom Out: Displays the elements that are one level up from the selected element.
  • Zoom to Level: Displays a selected level below the current element in a hierarchy.

    For example, if you click on the 2016 element, select zoom to level, and select the Month level, all 12 months of 2016 are displayed.

  • Keep This Element Only: Keeps only the selected element.
  • Remove Element: Removes the element and all corresponding values from the data table.