Period filters

The Period lookup lists all available periods. When you select a period it is represented by one of these codes in the Filters table:

Period Code Description Example From Example To Offset Available
P Specify period Same as or earlier than To period Same as or later than From period No
PF First period of current year 2016/001 2016/001 Yes
PA This period 2016/009 2016/009 Yes
PE This period last year 2015/009 2015/009 No
PH Last period 2016/008 2016/008 No
PN Next period 2016/010 2016/010 No
QA This quarter 2016/007 2016/009 No
QE This quarter last year 2015/007 2015/009 No
QH Last quarter 2016/004 2016/006 No
QN Next quarter 2016/010 2016/012 No
YA Year to date 2016/001 2016/009 Yes
YF YTD first period of current year 2016/001 2016/001 Yes
YE Year to date last year 2015/001 2015/009 Yes
YH Last year end 2015/001 2015/013 No
YK Year balance to end of year 2016/001 2016/013 Yes
YR Periods remaining for current year 2016/010 2016/013 No
B Specify balance 2016/009 2016/009 Yes
BA Balance 2005/01 2016/009 Yes
BE Balance this period last year 2005/01 2015/009 No
BF Balance first period of current year 2005/001 2016/001 Yes
BH Balance last period 2005/001 2016/008 No
BK Balance at year end 2005/001 2016/013 Yes
BS Balance at start of year 2005/001 2015/013 No