Adding dashboard content from a content connection

Content connection
  1. On the toolbar, click the content connection that contains the reports to add.
    The folder structure of the report catalog is displayed in the content browser.
  2. Browse to the content to add.
    Reports can display a thumbnail image to help identify them. Thumbnails are specified in Infor BI Application Studio.
  3. Either drag the content to the dashboard or click to open the content, full-screen.
  4. In a blank dashboard, drop the content where required. Drop the content when a preview is displayed on the dashboard.
    The preview indicates the position the content will occupy. If no preview is displayed, the content is not added.

    Reports are initially displayed with the preferred width and height, if specified. If a minimum width and height is specified, you can expand the report but cannot reduce it to less than the minimum specified dimensions. This is important when creating resizable dashboards.

    See: Auto-sizing dashboards.

If, while dragging content to the dashboard, you decide not to place it, drag and drop it back on the toolbar.