
A dynamic link to your data source is maintained through your data extraction definitions. Click Recalculate to update the definitions with the most recent values from your data source, and recalculate them to display the latest output.

Ensure you are connected to your data source before recalculating.


Click Recalculate to recalculate all query definitions. You can also select from three recalculation options:

  • Recalculate Worksheet: Recalculate all query definitions in your worksheet by selecting Recalculate > Recalculate Worksheet.
  • Recalculate Workbook: Recalculate all query definitions in your workbook by selecting Recalculate > Recalculate Workbook.
  • Recalculate Range: Recalculate a single query definition or a selected range of definitions by highlighting the specific target cells, then selecting Recalculate > Recalculate Range.

Recalculation sequence

DataLink Server queries are recalculated from top to bottom, and left to right, in the Microsoft® Office Excel spreadsheet. Excel formulas are not recalculated by DataLink Server, and by default are automatically calculated by Excel.

If you are using both Q&A 10 and DataLink Server, then Calculation Options in Excel is set to Manual. This means Excel does not recalculate Excel formulas automatically, so Q&A 10 has been enhanced to recalculate both Q&A 10 queries and Excel queries. As DataLink Server does not recalculate Excel formulas, you must manually recalculate them, by pressing F9.