Managing translation strings

The labels and descriptions of various elements of the user interface, such as dashboard names, can be translated. The translated texts are listed in the Strings widget, where you can supply new translations. Each column of the widget has options to sort and filter the data in the column and to specify which columns to display.

  1. Select Administration > Global Settings > Strings.
  2. To import the translations from a file:
    1. Cick the import icon.
    2. Browse the import file and click OK.
      Use a .csv, .xml, or .zip file.
  3. To manually add or update translations, specify the values in the appropriate language column.
  4. To export translation strings:
    1. Click the export icon.
    2. Select the file format.
    3. Select the languages that you want to export.
    4. If you applied filters and want to export only the filtered strings, select Export filtered translations only.
    5. Click OK.
    The strings are exported to a file named Application name_Strings.