
You can use the ranking option to narrow your view to the most or least successful data subsets, respectively.

For example, you can use Top count or Bottom count to display the 5 regions in which the most or least revenue was earned. Or specify a value and use Top sum or Bottom sum to display the sales persons whose combined sales equaled or exceeded that value. Or specify a percentage and use Top percent or Bottom percent to display the products that contribute up 30% of the total turnover.

Click on the bottom ranking row to open the Ranking dialog box.

Ranking displays a subset of values. These are the available ranking options:

  • None
  • Top/Bottom count: Specifies the number of elements with top/bottom values that are displayed. For example, enter 5 in the text field to show the top/bottom 5 products.
  • Top/Bottom sum: Specifies the sum of the elements that are displayed. For example, enter 50,000 in the text field to show products with a total turnover of at least 50,000.
  • Top/Bottom percent: Specifies the percentage of elements that are displayed. For example, enter 30% to show the products that make up 30% of the total turnover.
  • Based on: Select the element on which you want to base the ranking.
Note: Sorting follows these priorities:
  1. Caption/Attribute
  2. Value
  3. Ranking