Application permissions

This section describes the predefined application permissions and their description. The permissions are grouped by components.

This table shows the application permissions and their descriptions:

Permission Description
View Application Bearers can view the application. This application permission is assigned to all application roles.
Edit Application Bearers can edit the application properties, add lists, calculations, variables, aliases, tasks, and shared media. They can add, update and delete languages and database descriptions. This application permission is assigned to MasterRole and ProjectDesigner application roles.
Administer Permissions Bearers can manage the application permissions. This application permission is assigned to the AdministratorRole and MasterRole application roles.

This table shows the Dashboard permissions and their descriptions:

Permission Description
View Dashboard Bearers can view dashboards. The application permission is assigned to all application roles.
Edit Dashboard Bearers can edit dashboard properties and manage content connections. This application permission is assigned to MasterRole and ProjectDesigner application roles.

This table shows the DataLink permissions and their descriptions:

Permission Description
View DataLink Bearers can view DataLink connections. This application permission is assigned to all application roles.
Edit DataLink Bearers can configure DataLink connections. This application permission is assigned to MasterRole and ProjectDesigner application roles.

This table shows the OLAP permissions and their descriptions:

Permission Description
View OLAP Bearers can view OLAP databases and settings. This application permission is assigned to allapplication roles.
Edit OLAP Bearers can edit OLAP database settings. This application permission is assigned to MasterRole and ProjectDesigner application roles.
Import/Export Values Bearers can edit OLAP database settings. This application permission is assigned to MasterRole and ProjectDesigner application roles.
Edit Dimensions Bearers can edit dimensions of OLAP databases. This application permission is assigned to the MasterRole application role.
Edit Rules Bearers can edit OLAP rules. This application permission is assigned to the MasterRole application role.
Administer OLAP Database Bearers can edit OLAP rules. This application permission is assigned to the MasterRole application role.
Write Values Bearers can write values to an OLAP database. This application permission is assigned to MasterRole and ProjectDesigner application roles.

This table shows the Reporting permissions and their descriptions:

Permission Description
View Report Bearers can view reports. This application permission is assigned to all application roles.
Edit Report Bearers can edit reports. This application permission is assigned to MasterRole and ProjectDesigner application roles
Browse Folders/Reports Bearers can browse folders and reports. This application permission is assigned to MasterRole,ProjectDesigner, and ViewRole application roles.