Adding a multi-facility setup in enterprise level

When Infor YMS is connected to a warehouse management system (WMS) or an enterprise resource planning system (ERP), Infor YMS is the system of record and the owner of the equipment. In this case, Infor YMS must publish a Sync when generating a TransporationStatus BOD.

If another application such as a transportation management system (TMS) is included into the connection, then the system of record is the TMS application and the TMS application would then publish a Sync when a generating a TransporationStatus BOD. In this situation, Infor YMS publishes a Process when generating a TransportationStatus BOD and consumes and subscribes to the Sync TransportationStatus BODs.

This task provides you with the ability to specify how the TransportationStatus BOD is generated and consumed in Infor YMS.

  1. Select Facility > Enterprise.The Enterprise page is displayed.
  2. Select Facility Setup > Multi-Facility Setup to open the YMS Multi-Facility Setup page.
  3. Click New to access the Multi-facility setup detail view.
  4. Specify this information on the Enterprise tab:
    Enterprise Name
    Optionally, specify the enterprise name.
    Specify a description for the enterprise.
    Local time zone
    Select the time zone of the enterprise.
    Time zone offset
    Specify the time zone offset in minutes. All values on the page are converted to this time zone when possible.
    Send Transportation Status BOD
    Select Yes to specify that YMS is sending Transportation Status BODs when equipment changes. Otherwise, select No. The default is Yes.
    Send Shipment Schedule (Appointment) BOD
    Select Yes to specify that YMS is sending Shipment Schedule BODs when appointments change. Otherwise, select No. The default is Yes.
    Transportation System of Record
    Select Yes to indicate that YMS is the system of record for equipment which means when sending BODs, YMS will publish a Sync Transportation Status BOD. Otherwise, select No to indicate that YMS is not the system of record for equipment and should publish a Process Transportation Status BOD. The default is Yes. If Send Transportation Status BOD is set to No, then this field is disabled.

    If at least one BOD translation record exists for the Transportation Status BOD with a non-null XPath when you change the system of record, then you are prompted to update the Transportation Status BOD translation records.

    Appointment System of Record
    Select Yes to indicate that YMS is the system of record for appointments, which means when sending BODs, YMS will publish a Syn Shipment Schedule BOD. Otherwise, select No to indicate that YMS is not the system of record for appointments and should publish a Process Shipment Schedule BOD. The default is Yes. If Send Shipment Schedule (Appointment) BOD is set to No, then this field is disabled.

    If at least one BOD translation record exists for the Shipment Schedule BOD with a non-null XPath when you change the system of record, then you are prompted to update the Shipment Schedule BOD translation records.

  5. Specify this information on the Landing Page URL tab:
    Landing Page URL
    The URL that is displayed on the Welcome page of the Enterprise.
    Use Splash Image (not URL)
    Indicates if splash image must be displayed on the Welcome page of the Enterprise.
    • Select No to display a URL.
    • Select Yes to display the splash image.
    • The default value is No.
    Landing Page Image
    The image that is displayed on the Welcome page of the Enterprise. If the Use Splash Image (not URL) field is set to Yes, you can upload the image using the Import option. The URL is replaced with the splash image.
    Note: You can upload only a single image and each subsequent image uploaded overwrites previous image.
  6. Click Save.