Adding a new data view email report at the enterprise level

  1. Select Facility > Enterprise.
  2. Select Reports > Data View Emailto open the YMS Data View Email page.
  3. Click New to access the Data View Email detail view.
  4. Specify this information on the Data View Email tab:
    Email Title
    The title of the data view email.
    Data View Name
    The data view name. You can select one of the pre-existing data view email reports. The selected report must not require input parameters.
    Email Subject
    The subject line for the data view email report results email.
    Email Frequency
    The frequency of the data view email report. Possible values:
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    Email Format
    The format of the email. Possible values:
    • Text: You can add basic text formatting using spaces to pad columns.
    • HTML: You can add Hypertext Markup Language for formatting and table formatting.
      Note: The value selected depends on the destination email client. Most email clients accept HTML value.
    # Spaces Per Tab
    The number of spaces used for padding when formatting the text in the table. This value is used for setting up clients and will depend on the destination email client.
    Note: This field is displayed only if the Email Format field is set to Text.
    Email Subscription
    The list of email addresses, in a comma delimited list. Each email listed in the subscription list receives an email with the report contents.
    Next Run Date/Time
    The date and time at which the data view email report is run.
    Last Run Successful?
    The status of the last run data view email report.
    Last Run Results
    The results of the last run data view email report.
  5. Click Save.