Location types
The Location Types configuration is used to define your yard location types such as storage, staging, receiving door, and shipping door. Use the Location Types configuration to define default length, width, and height of the location. During location entry, when a location is associated with a location type, the default dimensions are filled in, which can help expedite the entry of location information into this application.
You can use location types to attach a list of restricted equipment flows to the location type or the list of status values restricted from that location type. With location types configuration, you can group locations into types such as holding areas, maintenance areas, or staging lanes. Using location types, you can not only group locations, but you can add restrictions for equipment flows or equipment status to prevent the equipment from being at the location. When no status or equipment flow restrictions are in place, the location can have any equipment flow and equipment status.
To place restrictions on a location type, first create the equipment flow value, and then link the flow to the location type to indicate that the equipment flow is not allowed. Similarly, after creating an equipment status, you can link it to a location type to indicate when equipment with that status is not allowed.