Using the options on the RFID Scan page

Within the YMS Facility RFID Scan page, you can use these options:
  • New: Select to create a new row for entering in RFID EPCID information.
  • Save: Select to save all changes. If rows are flagged as pending deletion, then the rows are deleted.
  • Delete: Select to flag the selected row as pending for deletion.
  • Duplicate: Select to create a duplicate copy of the selected row's values.
  • Import: Select to import a CSV file into the application.
  • Export: Select to export the data on the YMS Facility RFID Scan page as a CSV file.
  • Reprocess: Select to change the selected record with an Error status in the Processed field from Error to No, which allows the row to be reprocessed.
  • Scanned: Select to view RFID labels scanned along with the equipment that is associated with the listed RFID scanned labels. The Scanned page shows equipment that is in the facility and associated with an RFID label that was scanned based on the list of scans recorded in the page.
  • Not Scanned: Select to view RFID labels in use but not scanned. The Not Scanned page shows equipment with an RFID label that was not read by the RFID reader in the scan data.
  • Delete All: Select to flag all RFID EPCID rows as pending deletion.
  • Undelete All: Select to flag all RFID EPCID rows as not pending deletion.