Adding a facility equipment check-in template
- Click Select Facility and select a facility.
- Select Configuration > Equipment Check-In Template to open the YMS Equipment Check-In Template page.
- Click New.
Specify this information:
- Facility
- Select a facility from the list.
- Template Name
- Specify a name for the template.
- Equipment Type
- Select the type of equipment.
- Current State
- Select the current state of the equipment. These values are
- Empty
- Inbound Material
- Outbound Material
- Stored Material
- Partially Loaded Outbound Material
- Manufacturer
- Specify the name of the manufacturer.
- Manufacturer Date
- Select the manufacturer date from the calendar.
- Release Number
- Specify a release number if available.
- Load Number
- Specify a load number if available.
- From External
- Select Yes if the equipment is from an external source. Otherwise, select No.
- Drop Trailer or Live Load
- Select one of these values:
- Drop Trailer: Select if trailer is to be dropped
- Live Load: Select if the trailer is a live load
- Inbound Tractor ID
- Specify the ID of the inbound tractor.
- Outbound Tractor ID
- Specify the ID of the outbound tractor.
- Commodity
- Select a commodity from the list.
- Commodity Type
- Select the type of commodity from the list.
Select the Equipment Flow tab.
The template associated with the equipment flow is selected at gate check-in.
To indicate the equipment flow that is associated with a template, perform one
or both actions:
- Add an equipment flow: Select equipment flow from the Available column and click the arrow in the Available header to move to the Selected column
- Remove an equipment flow: Select equipment flow from the Selected column and click the arrow in the Selected header to move to the Available column
Select the Transportation/Driver tab,
and then specify this information:
- Transportation Mode
- Select the mode of transportation. These values are
- Rail
- Air
- Land
- Water
- Equipment Carrier
- Select the carrier of the equipment.
- Carrier Group
- Specify the group defined for the carrier.
- Driver Carrier
- Select the carrier of the driver.
- Equipment License
- Specify the license for the equipment.
- Equipment License State
- Specify the equipment license state.
- Country of Origin
- Specify the country of origin.
- Supplier
- Select a supplier from the list.
- Consignee
- Specify a consignee if available.
- Shipping Destination
- Specify the shipping destination.
- Shipping From
- Specify the shipping from location.
- Accounting Entity
- Specify an accounting entity.
- Owner
- Specify an owner.
- Owned
- Select Yes if you own the equipment. Otherwise, select No if the equipment is owned by another company.
- Seal
- Specify the seal numbers if available.
- Post Pin In
- Specify the post pin in for marine containers if available.
- Post Pin Out
- Specify the post pin out for marine containers if available.
- EOD Number
- Specify the end of day number if available.
- Inbound Driver
- Specify the name of the driver.
- Inbound Driver License
- Specify the number of the driver's license.
- Inbound Driver License State
- Specify the state for the driver's license.
- Outbound Driver
- Specify the name of the Outbound driver.
- Outbound Driver License
- Specify the number of the outbound driver's license.
- Outbound Driver License State
- Specify the state for the outbound driver's license.
Select the Weight/Dimensions tab, and
specify this information:
- Length
- Specify the default length for this type of equipment.
- Width
- Specify the default width for this type of equipment.
- Height
- Specify the default height for this type of equipment.
- Inbound Weight
- Specify the inbound weight for this type of equipment.
- Inbound Weight UOM
- Select the unit of measure (UOM) for the inbound weight.
- Scale Weight
- Specify the scale weight for this type of equipment.
- Scale Weight UOM
- Select the UOM for the scale weight.
- Outbound Weight
- Specify the outbound weight for this type of equipment.
- Outbound Weight UOM
- Select the UOM for the outbound weight.
- Tare Weight
- Specify the tare weight for this type of equipment.
- Tare Weight UOM
- Select the UOM for the tare weight.
- Special Instructions
- Specify any required special instructions.
- Temperature
- Specify the expected temperature inside the equipment.
- Clean
- Select Yes if you want the equipment cleaned after check in. Otherwise, select No.
- Click Save.