Creating a new task from a query
Use this task to create a new task after performing a task query.
- Click New Task on the Query Task screen.
- Specify this information:
- Task Type
- Select the type of task. These values are valid:
- Inspection
- Move
- StatusChange
- Equipment ID
- Select the equipment ID. You can select the ellipsis button to view equipment details and to select an equipment ID.
- Priority
- This field is available when you select Move or StatusChange as the task type. The priority is defaulted based on the task type. You can specify a different priority.
- Auto Complete
- Optionally, if creating a move task, select this check box to auto complete the move.
- Auto-Complete In
- This field is available when you select Move as the task type. Specify the time period in which the move should automatically be completed when the time has expired.
- To Equipment Status
- This field is available when you select Status Change as the task type. Select the status value which is the status the equipment is to be updated with when the specified timing interval has elapsed.
- Inspection level
- This field is available when you select
Inspection for the task type. Select the inspection
level to indicate the inspection questions to be answered for that
inspection task. These values are valid:
- Level 1 (Casual)
- Level 2 (Moderate)
- Level 3 (Detailed)
- Level 4 (Comprehensive)
- Click OK.