Entity Type Independent
Definition All business rule violations that have occurred in the application. This includes the violation, a description of the violation, the user who violated the business policy. The XM_BUSINESS_RULE_VIOLATION table is used in reports to display all users with more than five violations for an expense report. The table also displays all users with maximum violations and the most violated business rule.


Attribute Datatype Width Definition
DOCUMENT_ID Integer 11 A foreign key for a document table (expense_report, document_id INTEGER Y purchase_requisition, timesheet_document or travel_plan). This attribute identifies the document that is violating the business policy.
DOCUMENT_TYPE Integer 9 The type of document that refers to the document_id. The possible values are 100 for document_type INTEGER Y expense report, 76000 for travel plan, 57000 for timesheet and 13500 for purchase requisition.
EXPLANATION Varchar 64 Expense violation explanation details.
IS_ACTIVE Integer 1 The active status of the business rule 1 for active, 0 for inactive.
IS_APPROVED Integer 1 The manager approval status for the business rule violation. The possible values approved for SMALLINT Y are 0 or null; therefore, the violation is not marked, 1 is violation approved and 2 is violation rejected.
IS_REVIEW_POLICY Integer 1 Used by EBL for the review policy. 1 is Yes, 0 is No.
LINE_ITEM_ID Integer 11 A foreign key for the appropriate line item table (expense_line_item, travel_line_item, timesheet_line_item or puchase_line_item), if this violation is a line item violations, as opposed to a doculine_item_id INTEGER Y means violation. Otherwise this column is null.
MESSAGE Varchar 99 The business rule message is displayed.
REPORT_MESSAGE Varchar 99 The severity of the violation. Possible values are 1 for warning severity, 2 for explanation required and 0 for Invalid.
ROUTING_TYPE_CODE Varchar 10 This code uniquely identifies the routing type.
ROUTING_TYPE_DESCRIPTION Varchar 20 Description of the routing type.
ROUTING_TYPE_NAME Varchar 20 Displays name of the routing type.
ROUTING_TYPE_POLICY_FLAG Varchar 5 This attribute indicates a flag to be added to the work item when a rule policy is deviated.
SEVERITY Integer 1 The severity of the violation. Possible values are 1 for warn severity INTEGER Y, 2 for explanation required and 3 for stop.
TEMPLATE_NAME Varchar 67 The name of the business rule template that is used when creating this rule.
TITLE Varchar 61 The title of the business rule.
VIOLATION_ID Integer 11 Identifies the business rule that is violated.
VIOLATOR_ID Integer 11 A foreign key for the ext_user table identifying the violator_id or the user_Id of the user causing this business rule violation.
lastModified DateTime 24
VariationID Integer 13