Adding a travel plan line item

You can add a line item to the travel plan. Click Add Item on the Travel Plan line items page and select a travel type.

  1. Specify the required information in the Standard Information and Additional Information sections.
  2. Specify the additional information related to the travel in the Notes section, if required.
    Note: You can also add notes at a later stage. For details, see Adding notes.
  3. Add the attachments (receipts) to the travel plan document, if required.
    Note: You can also add attachments at a later stage. For details, see Attaching receipts.
  4. Click Save. The document details are displayed.
    Note: If the travel plan item is not compliant with the company policy, the exceptions associated with the line item are displayed. Based on the severity of the exception, you can either modify the item or provide an explanation for the exception.
  5. Click Close.
    Note: You can also use this page to:
    • Change the travel type using the Change Travel Type option.
    • Search for the place of origin, using the Find Location option corresponding to the Leaving From field.
    • Search for the destination, using the Find Location option corresponding to the Going to field.
    • Add vendor, using the Add option.
    • Export the data related to the expense line item details, using the Export option.


To add a travel plan line item for the Air (Roundtrip) travel type:

  1. Click Add Item on the Document Header page.
  2. Select Air (Roundtrip) as travel type.
  3. Specify this data in the Standard Information section:
    • Leaving From: The location from which the travel commences.
    • Departing: The date on which the travel commences.
    • Time: The time of departure.
    • Going to: The destination location.
    • Returning: The date on which the return is scheduled.
    • Time: The time of departure for the return travel.
    • Airfare: The cost incurred for the air travel.
    • Currency: The currency in which the amount is paid. The currency is defaulted based on the setting in the SAT.

      See Infor Expense Management System Administration Tool User Guide.

      Note: If you specify a foreign currency, the FX Rate field is displayed.
    • FX Rate: The exchange rate at which the selected foreign currency is converted to the default currency. You can overwrite the exchange rate as long as the tolerance limit set by the company is not exceeded.
    • Vendor: The name of the vendor. You can also click the Add option to specify the vendor on the Add Vendor page.
  4. Specify this data in the Additional Information section:
    • Class: The preferred class for the travel.
    • Purpose: The purpose of travel.
  5. Specify the additional information related to the travel in the Notes section, if required.
    Note: You can also add notes at a later stage. For details, see Adding notes.
  6. Add the attachments (receipts) to the travel plan document, if required.
    Note: You can also add attachments at a later stage. For details, see Attaching receipts.
  7. Click Save.
Note: The fields displayed in the Standard Information and Additional Information sections vary based on the company specific configuration.