Searching for a Cost Center

You can search for a cost center. Click the Find Cost Center option corresponding to the Cost Center field in the Charge Code Allocations section on the Expense Report line item details page. The Find Cost Center page is displayed.

  1. Specify this information in the search criteria section:
    The name of the segment and the cost center segment.
    The code of the segment and the cost center segment.
    The reviewer of the cost center.
    Alt Reviewer
    The alternate reviewer of the cost center.
    The description for the cost center.
    Is User-created
    Indicates whether the cost center has been created by a user. Possible values:
    • Yes
    • No
  2. Click Find. The cost centers based on the search criteria information are displayed at the right of the page.
    You can use this page to:
    • Add a new cost center, using the New option.
    • Manage recently used cost centers, using the manage link.
    • Find a user to assign the role of a reviewer for the cost center, using the Find User option corresponding to the Reviewer field.
    • Find a user to assign the role of an Alternate Reviewer for the cost center, using the Find User option corresponding to the Alternate Reviewer field.
    • Modify the existing cost center using the Select link.
    • Export the data related to the cost center, using the Export option.