Searching for a project
You can search for a project. Click the Find Project option in the Charge Code Allocations section on the Expense Report line item page. The Find Project page is displayed.
Specify this information in the search criteria section:
- Name
- The name of the project.
- Code
- The code for the project.
- Charge Type
- The charge type to which the project is allocated. Possible
- Billable
- Non-billable
- Overhead
- Activity Type
- The current project. Possible values:
- Absence
- Administrative
- Project
- Client Name
- The name of the client for whom the project is allocated.
- Office
- The location of the project.
- Approver
- The user who is assigned to the role of an approver for the project. You can click the Find User option to find another user to assign the approver role or click the User Details option to review the details of the existing approver.
- Alternate Approver
- The user who is assigned to the role of an alternate approver for the project. You can click the Find User option to find another user to assign the alternate approver role or click the User Details option to review the details of the existing alternate approver.
- Application Type
- The type of application functionality to which the project
is allocated. Possible values:
- Expense Report
- Timesheet
- Travel Plan
- Payment Request
Click Find. The project names based
on the search criteria information are displayed at the right of the page.
Note: Projects can be reviewed based on the hierarchical order, using the Hierarchy option. You can review a specific project from the hierarchical order by specifying the details in the search criteria section.
You can use this page to:
- Find a user for the project, using the Find User option.
- Review the user details, using the User Details option.
- Review project details, using the Project Details option.
- Modify an existing project, using the Select link.