Attaching credit card transactions to the expense
You can attach credit card transactions to the expense. Click My Credit Card on the Expense Report line items page.
- Select the check box corresponding to an expense in the Available Credit Card Expenses section. Click the View Transaction Details option to review transaction details.
- Click Attach. The selected expense is now displayed in the Attached Credit Card Expenses section.
Click Done.
To remove transactions from the Attached Credit Card Expenses section, select the check box corresponding to a transaction and click Delete.
Note: The value of the cc.location.addEnabled application parameter can be set to False, if the location is not required to be imported along with the credit card expenses. You can manually add a location for such expenses.You can also use this page to:
- Import personal credit card transactions, using the Import Personal Transactions link.
- Review the transaction details, using the View Transaction Details option.
- Edit the credit card expense, using the Edit Item option.
- Export the data related to the credit card, using the Export option.