Working with application parameters
This section describes the application parameters, importFileLocation and exportFileLocation, that must be specified in Infor Expense Management System Administration Tool. before you can run the XMDBToolBkg background process. The tool supports for both absolute file paths and relative file paths. All the below mentioned folders are created in the Expense Management Application server. If the two application parameters; importFileLocation and exportFileLocation are specified; then all the subsequent folders are generated automatically.
Note: For non-SaaS installations, specify online as the TenantID.
These are the application parameters:
- importFileLocation:
This is the base file location for the data files uploaded by the customer. The
background process retrieves the files for processing from this location. The
default value is set to ../xmshare/sftp. However, the entire folder path
consists of this base location appended by the tenant specific folder path.
These are the required tenant specific folder paths:
- TenantID + import + noncc + data: This is the path for the incoming data files. For example, C:\XM\FTP\T1\import\noncc\data.
- TenantID + import + noncc + log: This is the path where the background process saves the log files after the processing is complete. For example, C:\XM\FTP\T1\import\noncc\log.
- TenantID + import + cc + data: This is the path where the incoming credit card files reside. For example, C:\XM\FTP\T1\import\cc\data.
- TenantID + import + cc + log: This is the path where the background process saves the log files after the credit card processing is complete. For example, C:\XM\FTP\T1\import\cc\log.
- exportFileLocation:
This is the base file location for the downloaded data files. The default value
is ../xmshare/sftp. The entire folder path consists of this base location
appended by the tenant specific folder path. These are the required tenant
specific folder paths:
- TenantID + export + DownloadedData: This is the path for the downloaded files. For example, C:\XM\FTP\T1\export\DownloadedData.
- TenantID + export + log: This is the path where the background process saves the log files after the downloading is complete. For example, C:\XM\FTP\T1\export\log.