Running the archive-purge background process within a date range and archiving to SFTP folder
Two new background processes are built to archive the data:
- XMDBToolBKG.Archive BKG: This process enables the users to pass the date range to the archive tool.
- XMDBToolBKG.ArchiveINC: This process enables the user to run the archiving on an incremental basis.
In both the processes, the archived files can be transferred to the SFTP server by specifying all the SFTP related parameters.
You must specify these parameters for the XMDBToolBkg.Archive Background Process:
- activity_ids: The activity ID to be archived. You can specify more than one activity ID, separated by a dot(.) For example: activity_id=72001.72281.
- cutoff_date: The archive cutoff date in the YYYYMMDD format.
- startDate: The start date from when the archiving must be initiated in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm format.
- endDate: The end date till when the archiving must be executed in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm format.
You must specify these parameters for the XMDBToolBkg.ArchiveINC Background Process:
- activity_ids: The activity ID to be archived. You can specify more than one activity ID, separated by a dot(.). For example: activity_id=72001.72281.
- cutoff_date- The archive cutoff date in the YYYYMMDD format.
- incremental= true
In the XMDBToolBkg.ArchiveINC process (the incremental bkg process) the startDate is selected from the internal database (the end date of the previous run is considered) and the end date is the current date (the date on which this bkg is run).
For transferring the archived files to SFTP, these SFTP parameters must be set:
- sftpHost
- sftpUser
- sftpPassword
- sftpHostExport
- sftpHostLog