Running full ETL
You can now run Full ETL from the XMDBTool client and the XMDBToolBKG.ETL. Use this command , to run the full etl, from the XMDBTool client.
run_etl -toFile <name of the etl file> -deploy_tables Y -mapping_classes "USER_HIERARCHY"
- Specify the toFile parameter. If not specified, the full etl runs from db - to - db [transaction to reporting db].
- To run full etl using the background process, specify the toFile, deploy_tables, and mapping classes parameter in the bkg parameters of the XMDBToolBKG.ETL bkg. If you do not specify the toFile parameter, etl runs from trans db to reporting db.
Note: If sftp=true, in the bkg parameter of the XMDBToolBKG.ETL, the log
files and the etl files ( if toFile is specified) are moved to the specified
sftp location. Set SFTP parmameters as :
- in the sftpHostExport for etl files
- sftpHostLogfor log files
XMDBTool 10.2 now supports configuring the ETL to generate an SQL file
in addition to loading the ETL data to the reporting database. The
file is generated if the
parameter is set to true.
Note: The
file is generated only when ETL db - to -
db is run.
When the ETL is run with the
parameter from the XMDBTool client, the SQL
file is generated in the log folder and the file is named as
etl_sqltrace___<time stamp>.txt
file. When the ETL
is run with the
parameter from the XMDBTool ETL bkg
process, the sql file is FTP'd to the location specified in the SFTP
Example: >run_etl -deploy_tables Y -mapping_classes USER_HIERARCHY -etl_sqlTrace true