Pushing the detokenised files from the Expense Management server to the GXS server
While pulling the CC files from the GXS server, it is sometimes observed that few files, generally er_expense_export_line.txt, include token numbers instead of CC numbers. To detokenise, these files are sent back to the GXS server. In the GXS servers, the tokens are replaced by the actual credit card numbers which can then be used by customers.
GXS includes a separate folder, <customer_name>/EXP, for the detokenised files.
The other files are placed in the folder <customer_namePASS>/EXP. The detokenise process GXS server is not required for these files.
Use XMDBToolBKG.exportER to export the files to the GXS Server . You can set the sftp host, user, password and the folder information as part of the bkg parameters.
The XMDBToolBKG.exportER connects to the SFTP server and transfers the downloaded files to the server. Set the sftpHostExport to a folder, on the SFTP server, where the exported files must be transferred.
Route the CC files using one of the two appl parameters:
- sftpHostExportPass : Use
this parameter to specify the sftp folder location where the exported files (
other than the files that require the detokenise process ) must be routed. So
generally, all the files are routed to this location, except the file
Note: You must specify this parameter, else all the files are routed to the folder specified in the sftpHostExport parameter.
- detokenFiles : Use this parameter to specify the prefix of the files that must be routed to the export folder. These files require the detokenise process . If the files to be detokenised is not a line item but some other file, then that file name prefix can be specified here. If the files to be detokenised is not a line item but some other file, then that file name prefix can be specified here. If this parameter is not specified but the SFTPHOSTEXPORTPASS is specified, then the er_expense_export_line.txt is considered as a default file for the detokenise process.
- If sftpHostExportPass parameter is not specified and SFTP=TRUE, the exported files are transferred to the SFTP folder specified in the sftpHostExport parameter.
- If sftpHostExportPass is specified, then the files with the prefix specified in the detokenFiles parameters, are transferred to the sftp folder, specified in the sftpHostExport parameter. The other files are transferred to the sftp folder, specified in the sftpHostExportPass folder.
By default, the detokenFiles are set to er_expense_export_line.txt.
All the static information for SFTP settings can be specified in the application parameters and the variable settings can be specified in the BKG parameters.
Important settings :
- For any XMDBToolBKG that connects to the SFTP, the parameter sftp must be set to true in the bkg parameter. Sftp=true. sftp is false, by default, .
- For any XMDBToolBKG.CC that connects to SFTP, cc.ploadImportFormat must to specified in the bkg parameters (alongwith all the other parameters)
- You can create multiple XMDBToolBKG.CC instances, for each tenant, where each instance pulls a cc card of a particular type, as specified in the cc.ploadImportFormat , for that instance. To add more complexity you can do the same for different tenants.
- In Expense Management, all the cc files pulled from the sftp site, are stored in <importFileLocation>/<tenant>/import/cc/sftpdata/<CreditCardFormat> folder
- Files are archived after processing in the folder <importFileLocation>/<tenant>/import /cc/sftpdata/archivedFiles .
- All the downloaded files generated by the XMDBToolBKG.exportER , for which sftp=true is available in the folder <exportFileLocation>/<tenant>/sftpexport/DownloadedData
- If the sftpHostExportPass is specified, then all the files that do not need detokenization are available in the folder <exportFileLocation>/<tenant>/sftpexport/pass
- After the files are sent to the sftp location, the exported files are archived in the folder <exportFileLocation>/<tenant>/sftpexport/archivedFiles
- For importing transactional data (non cc), if the sftp=true, the files received from the SFTP site are transferred to the folder <importFileLocation>/<tenant>/import/noncc/sftpdata folder.