Configuration parameters for archive purge [archivepurge.bat/sh]
These parameters are specified on the client side [archivepurge.bat/sh] and as background process parameters for XMDBToolBkg.Archive BKG process:
- archive: Specify true, if archive must be done. By default, this parameter is set to false.
- archive_location: Tis used to specify the location where archived files must be stored.
- activity_ids: It is used to specify the activity IDs that must be archived. IDs needs to be separated by dot (.). For example; activity_ids=72001.72051.
- cutoff_date: It is used to specify the cut-off date. The format must be YYYYMMDD. This is mandatory parameter when date range is not in effect.
- startDate: The start date of the archive process. When specifying from the command line, the date and time must be specified in the yyyy-MM-dd%HH:MM format. The percent is included to avoid the space between the date and the time.
- endDate: The end date of the archive process. When specifying from the command line, the date and time format must be specified as yyyy-MM-dd%HH:MM. The percent is included to avoid the space between the date and the time.
- incremental: This parameter is only specified when the archive purge is run in the bkg process. If true, start date is taken from the alex_xmdbtool_etl table.