Configuration parameters for importing data [upload_data.bat]
These parameters are specified on the client side [upload_data.bat/sh] and as background process parameters for XMDBToolBkg.Import BKG process:
- uploadTableName: The name of
the table where you can send the data. For example; uploadTableName =
Note: Not required to be specified in the XMDBToolBKG.Import Bkg process.
- uploadFileName:The location
of the file that must be uploaded to the table specified in the
uploadTableName. For example; uploadFileName = C:\\Docs\\data.txt.
Note: Not required to be specified in the XMDBToolBKG.Import Bkg process.
- purgeData: If the purgeData parameter is set to 1, the data in the table specified in uploadTableName is purged (deleted) before the new data specified in the data file is inserted in the table. If you want to preserve the data in the table, set the purgeData to 0 or just comment it out (include # in front of purgeData parameter). For example; purgeData = 1.
- compress: For compressing data. The default value is true.
- uploadModule: The name of
the module to be uploaded. This parameter takes precedence over
uploadTableName. For example; uploadModule = PSO_CONFIG.
Note: Only available for use with XMDBTool client upload_data.bat/sh.
- uploadFromThisFolder: The
name of the folder where all the data files are part of the uploadModule
reside. For example; uploadFromThisFolder = C:\\Work\\UploadFromHere3.
Note: Only available for use with XMDBTool client upload_data.bat/sh.
- logFileLocation: The name
of the folder where the log files are directed after an upload run. Must be
used for a single table upload or multiple tables module upload. This parameter
is not mandatory. For example; logFileLocation =
Note: Only available for use with XMDBTool client upload_data.bat/sh.
- chunkSize: This parameter allows uploading large number of files. Customers must set the chunk size (in number of lines). Default is 100000 lines.
- im_logMerge: If it is set to true, the log files are merged in one file. Else for each run, there is separate log file generated, each log file is time-stamped. Default value is set to true.
- im_delimiter: The delimiter used to import the files. By default, its bar (|).
- debugInfo: This parameter is used to get additional logging information. Default value is false. Set it to true to get more information.
- chunk - This parameter is used only with the XMDBToolBkg.Import background process. If this is set to True then the import file is chunked into small parts before being processed.