Adding a credit card processor

You can use the Credit Card Processor (alcc_processor) table to add information about the companies that process the credit card transactions. The processor values are displayed on the Credit Card Import Format corporate data type.

  1. Select Manage > Corporate Data.
  2. Select Credit Card Processor in the Data Type field.
  3. Specify this information:
    The name of the bank processing the credit card.
    Format Type
    The format type of the credit card processor. Each processing bank must be assigned a unique format type.
    Default Card Name
    The default name of the credit card.
    Payment Type
    The expense report payment type of the credit card.
  4. Click the Membership tab, if required, and add the data groups. See, Adding or removing data groups from a corporate date type.
  5. Specify an external key, if required. See, Creating an external key.
  6. Click Add to save the data.