Configuring the Policy Based Routing business rule
The Policy based routing business rule must be set up to fire on all events that require overriding the default transition with policy based routing transition. You must configure the rule to apply to the entire organization.
The parameters for the rule include the priorities for the various transitions. The priorities are required only when there are more than one possible transition from the same activity. However, all relevant transitions are displayed in the parameter grid.
The grid excludes transitions with these work_item_status values:
- 0: Default
- -1: Save and close
- -2: Return for more info
- -3: Return to inbox
- -4: Release
- -5: Save
- -50: Recall
- -60: Proxy keep
- -110: Internal transition
- -110: Internal transition
- The value of the application parameter wf.routingExceptionTransitionStatus.
Transitions with exit hook, br_exit_hook_id, equals one of the applicable Fire On events for the business rule are included in the grid. Therefore, the activity transitions, including the exit hooks, must be set up before configuring this business rule. There is a validation code to ensure that all the required priorities are defined. Priorities for transitions that do not correspond to one of the selected Fire On events, are not required.
- If the rule overrides the activity transition of a document, it returns the True value, thus preventing any other exit rules that follow from firing.
- If the rule does not override the activity transition of a document, it returns False value, thereby allowing the other exit rules that follow to fire.
For the policy based routing to work, you must activate one or more of the five business rules. The Business Rule Violations Summary rule must always be active. If you are using Review Policies, the Review Policy Check (Server) rule must be active. The other rules, Audit List Check, Random (%) Audit, and User Has No Manager, must be activated as required by the customer 's workflow.
The Policy Based Routing business rule must be active, if you want workflow routing based on policy based routings to occur. You can deactivate this business rule, but the policy based routing rules that are associated with the documents are active. In this scenario, the policy flag on documents are displayed in the Review Queue screen, but the policy based routing transitions have no impact on the workflow routings.