Application parameters that support the Late TS Approval background process
These application parameters must be configured to support the Late TS Approval background process:
Application parameter | Purpose |
approve_expiration_time_unit | Type of time unit used for the approve_expiration_time_value parameter. Default
value: 12 (minutes). The units are:
approve_expiration_time_value | Duration of time before notifying a user that a timesheet is not approved. Units are defined by the approve_expiration_timeunit parameter. Default value: 5 (minutes). |
connect.display.LateTSApproval | Use to display the Late TS Approval tab. Default value: 0 (false) |
portal.ts.enabled | Use to display the TS Benefit Bank , TS Late Submission , and the TS Late Approval tabs in the Infor Expense Management application based on the role of the user. Default value: false |
ts.DlnqntReportBasedOnCutoffs | The default value is set to False, if the ts.DlnqntReportBasedOnCutoffs parameter is not set. |
ts.DlnqntReportExcludeCurrentPeriod | Determines whether to consider the current reporting period as late submission
of the timesheet, when the current day is the last day of the current reporting
period. The valid values are:
ts.InitDlnqntReportStartDate | This value must be set before the InitDlnqntSubmitReport background process is executed. Usage 1: For initialization. The InitDlnqntSubmitReport background process populates the alts_delinquent_report table with the late submission periods for each active timesheet user from the given date to one future timesheet period calculated based on the current timestamp. Default: yyyy.MM.dd Example: 2012.06.01 Usage 2: For fixing corrupted data in alts_delinquent_report table. The parameter considers a single date or a date range where the first date is the beginning of the date range and the last date is the final day in the date range of the corrupted data. The background process clears and refreshes all the data for the period from the date specified to the current date, if the parameter considers a single date. Format: yyyy.MM.dd,yyyy.MM.dd The InitDlnqntSubmitReport background process clears and re-populates the alts_delinquent_report table with the late submission periods for each active timesheet user for the given period. Example: 2012.06.01,2012.07.01 |