Managing grid column editor
You can add or manage the grid column editor.
- Select Tools > Grid Column Editor.
Specify this information:
- Application
- An application to display the available grids.
- Grid
The grid used to edit the data. For example, if you select the Create: Exceptions Tab grid, the grid displays all the columns for that grid.
You can modify the sort order of columns displayed in the grid. For example, the current sort order for the Create: Exceptions Tab grid displays the Expense Type column at first and then the Date column. You can modify the grid to display the Date column first and then the Expense Type column. Select the Expense Type column and click Move Down to modify the order of the column or select the Date column and click Move Up. One of these actions modify the display order of the Date column, so that the Date column is the first column in the grid.
- Column Data
The information in Column Data and Header Data is modified as you click the columns. You can hide a column from viewing the data. Clear the Visible check box to hide a column. You can refer to the data in the hidden column for a lookup or code reference, but the value is not displayed.
You can modify the format of the data in the column by changing the width, alignment, date format, and the time format.
- Header Data
- You can modify the format of the column header. The header can use a different text string than the data the header presents, or the header is represented by an image. For example, to save space for the column header presentation, you can modify the display string for Per Diem Deductions, Bob element per Diem Deductions, to display PD Deductions. You can also display an icon for a Column Header to save space. For example, the current display for the Create: Exceptions tab uses the itemizedIcon.gif file to represent a column that indicates an expense item that is itemized.
- Click Update Column to work with the Grid Column Editor.